News/Rules in Berries community

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I've been having trouble lately and couldn't post anything because something on my PC broke and that took away my wifi and bluetooth.

Sorry if I'm not posting as often as before, it's just that I don't find Gamejolt as interesting as before and I'm focusing more on studies, games and socializing

Also that I am going through a sensitive moment in my life


Im back!


im going to take a little rest from Gamejolt


i got the RPG Maker XP from steam so

i will try to do a rpg game after the drawin followers "event"

Today is my birthday

so uhm i lost my steam account cuz a russian guy hacked it and i lost all so i maked another account, but im not that worried cuz i only lost my terraria progress and my brawlhalla progress

this is my FC if you want to be my friend on steam: 1674431311

im pretty excited cuz February 13th is my birthday


i just made a new discord server


join if u want

some news

i have steam and some games so if u wanna be my friend and play with me some games i invite u to join

my name (on steam): Armoya147

also i got blender & Epic games

User (on epic games): Alexberries_147